
SDGs Conference Proceedings 2024


September 2024
On September 23, 2024, the Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF) hosted the JWF HighLevel Reception in celebration of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly at PentHouse45 Rooftop in New York. This networking event brought together JWF Global Partners from around the world, allowing them to engage with UN Ambassadors, diplomats, journalists, academics, and human rights advocates. As advocates for sustainable peace and development, participants shared their innovative initiatives aimed at creating a more prosperous world while establishing valuable connections for future collaborations



March 2024
In the margins of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68), the Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF) co-organized 12 events in collaboration with 13 NGOs from eight countries, discussing topics such as women’s leadership for sustainable peace, economic and social development for women and girls, and the prevention of violence against women. The CSW is one of the most critical intergovernmental platforms that JWF builds bridges and facilitates civil society partnerships with its Global Partners from different parts of the globe. In its 11th year participating at the CSW, we are more than thrilled to collaborate with our Global Partners, civil society leaders, journalists, educators from different states of USA, Belgium, Canada, Greece, India, Romania, Kenya, and Tanzania.

SDGs CONFERENCE 2023 In the Margins of the UNGA78
September, 2023
The Journalists and Writers Foundation organized the JWF High-Level Reception towelcome its delegations of Global Partners who arrived in New York from 15 differentcountries to attend the JWF`s 3-days of side events in the Margins of the 78th Session of theUnited Nations General Assembly (UNGA78) on Monday, 18 September 2023 atPenthouse45, New York. This high-level event brought together UN Ambassadors,diplomats, civil society members, human rights defenders, journalists, experts, andacademics from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Greece, India,Iraq/Kurdistan, New Zealand, Philippines, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Tanzania, and the United States.

March, 2023
The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women 67th Session (CSW67) convened in New York on March 6-17, 2023, in a hybrid mode after two years of COVID restrictions. The CSW67 was a major milestone that addressed the global framework on gender equality, technology and innovation that will empower women and girls across the globe. Since 2013, the JWF has raised awareness on gender equality, women empowerment, girls’ education, and give a voice to the voiceless at the United Nations platforms. In 2023, the JWF organized 12 parallel panels in partnership with 13 Global Partners from 12 different countries.

September, 2022

SDGs Conference 2022: In the Margins of the UNGA77 was organized on 21 September 2022 at John Jay College in partnership with 36 Global Partners from 24 countries. This global platform convened 21 speakers from 15 countries, and hosted notable speakers including Ministers, UN Ambassadors, journalists, civil society leaders and academicians.

As the SDGs Conference is back to hybrid mode, the Journalists and Writers Foundation welcomed delegations of participants from Australia, Greece, South Africa, India, Philippines, and Kenya to attend a series of side events in-person including the JWF High-Level Reception, Roundtable on Journalism and SDGs Conference. The conference live streamed was accessible both on Zoom and JWF`s YouTube channel, which received over 19,000 views from 76 countries.

UNGA Conference 2021 –  Transforming our World: Partnership for the SDGs

September, 2021

The UNGA Conference is the flagship event of the JWF, creating a platform for diverse stakeholders to discuss the Global Agenda 2030, offer innovative solutions, strategies, and policy recommendations to advance further the culture of peace, human rights, and sustainable development. Every year, this global event gathers an interdisciplinary group of distinguished panelists and high-level speakers to discuss a particular agenda around the three subsequent panel sessions in response to the priorities of the present UN General Assembly and propose a framework for action.

The successful implementation of SDG #17: Partnerships for the Goals remains at the center of the UNGA Conference 2021 as the SDGs can only be implemented with strong global partnerships and cooperation. The SDG 17 is focused on the UN rallying together strong partnerships in achieving all the Global Goals. The JWF has contributed to this goal by mobilizing its Global Partners in sharing best practices and initiating people-centered policy suggestions on the achievement of the UN Development Agenda 2030.

UNGA Conference 2020 –  Transforming our World: Five Years of Actions Towards the SDGsConference Proceedings 

September, 2020

On the Occasion of the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly, the Journalists and Writers Foundation and its Global Partners organized the 5th Annual UNGA Conference, entitled; “Transforming Our World: Five Years of Action Towards the SDGs”.

Organized by 35 Global Partners from 24 countries, the UNGA Conference 2020 hosted 21 distinguished panelists from 11 countries who shared their knowledge and years of experience in advocating for women empowerment and gender equality, implementing the SDG Goal #16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, and assessing lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 500 participants from 47 countries actively contributed the discussions with their questions, arguments, and comments from different points of views.

UNGA Conference 2019 –  Transforming our World: Inclusive Social Development for All” Conference Proceedings 

September, 2019

On the occasion of the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, the Journalists and Writers Foundation organized the UNGA Conference 2019 entitled- Transforming Our World: “Inclusive Social Development for All” in partnership with 36 Global Partners from 24 countries from all around the world. This annual conference is the flagship event of the JWF that aims to gather and engage the multi- stakeholders in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. The UNGA Conference creates a platform for stakeholders to discuss inclusive social development, youth empowerment and protection of social, economic, cultural rights in order to provide policy recommendations on how to achieve the SDGs with 169 targets globally without Leaving No One Behind.

UNGA Conference 2018 –  Transforming our World: No One Is Left Behind” Conference Proceedings

September, 2018

The Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF), in partnership with the Alliance for Shared Values (AfSV), organized the 3rd Annual UNGA Conference 2018 entitled: “Transforming our World: SDGs to Ensure No One is Left Behind” on September 25, 2018 in the margins of the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

The UNGA Conference 2018 focused on the frameworks of the culture of peace, the pressing concerns related to migration and refugees, and the freedom of the press as the fundamentals of sustainable development. During the UNGA General Debate, the JWF brings together the relevant stakeholders on a platform aimed at fostering a discussion on the most pressing issues regarding sustainable development, in partnership with civil society organizations and the private sector. By creating a broad alliance among the Heads of States, UNGA Delegates and civil society organizations, the UNGA Conference 2018 aims at generating alternative perspectives towards the implementation of the Global Agenda 2030.

Family Conference – IV – Children`s Rights and Family-  Conference Proceedings

November, 2016

On 14 December 1954, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) suggested to establish a Universal Children’s Day for every country in order to recognize as a day of “fraternity” and “understanding” between children all over the world. As a result, ‘November 20’ was labeled for adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, in 1959; and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in 1989. The UNGA recommended to governments to honor the day felicitously and to promote the mission of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

International Family Conference is a biennial international academic conference which is organized by the Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF), which had General Consultative Status at the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Its aim is to stimulate interdisciplinary and cross-national collaboration and approach to various family issues. It is promoted that on the Universal Children’s Day, Children’s Rights should be celebrated on the basis of the Convention. Also, the day should be devoted to ideals and objectives of the Charter with joint efforts by the all countries and regions to continuously build up a living-friendly environment for children in the world through dialogues and actions. 

Istanbul Summit | Reconsidering Gender Equality and Peaceful Societies

May 2016  | Bangkok – Thailand

Sustainable Development, which aims to address pressing environmental, social and economic issues such as climate change, poverty and inequality among others, has become a central concern for the global community starting with the publication of Brundtland Report of World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in 1983. Since then, sustainable development has become a priority in the global arena in key international institutions such as the United Nations (UN) and the World Bank and has informed the development agenda of the UN. However, there has been an increasing awareness of the link between sustainable development and peace more recently. Because problems sustainable development agenda aims to address are often key triggers and underlying causes in many international and civil conflicts today.1 International summits such as Rio+20 and UN Summit to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda include issues related to the connection between peace, security and sustainable development as some of the main development goals to be addressed until 2030.

Istanbul Summit | Women as the Beneficiaries And Actors of Humanitarian Action

May 2015

Massive human displacements are taking place in the developing and less developed countries and their pace seem to grow with no stabilization at sight. Unfortunately, similar to other mass human displacements in history, today’s displacements, be it within or beyond the borders of the states, continue to cause large-scale human tragedies. These mass displacements and human tragedies they entail are more alarming than ever, as they are intertwined with the ongoing violent conflicts, environmental degradation and natural disasters. The size of the problem today is beyond the capacity of the international community to respond adequately, which creates the need for a careful reassessment of the humanitarian action framework.

The World Humanitarian Summit that is to be held in Istanbul in 2016 is an important step in the rethinking of this humanitarian action framework, which will focus on the themes of 1) Humanitarian effectiveness 2) Reducing vulnerability and managing risk 3) Transformation through innovation, and, 4) Serving the needs of people in conflict.

Ambassadors Series | Special Issue 3

September, 2014

Ambassadors Series offer a platform for distinguished diplomats accredited to the United Nations to shed light on global issues concerning sustainable development, global economy, migration, security and stability. The lectures given by Ambassadors aim to educate the global society about various perspectives and prevent conflicts through constructive engagement and dialogue and thereby contribute to peace and strengthen social co-existence.

This year was our most successful panel with 17 UN Ambassadors participating as speakers and over 50 Ambassadors participating in post-panel discussions. The main objective of our series is to provide authoritaive insights into African progess in meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). By featuring diplomats from over twenty African nations, our panel facilitated an international effort to propose collaborative solutions.

Istanbul Summit | Women`s Perspectives on the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda

May-June  2014

The Istanbul Summit is an international CSO summit which aims to gather prominent figures from every quarter of the international community with a new topic each year. The first summit, “Women’s Perspectives on the UN’s Post-2015 Development Agenda,” was held in Istanbul on May 31-June 1, 2014. The main objective of the Summit was to ensure that the views of women are adequately represented in future work designed to achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

African Solution yo African Problems | Journal on Africa 2014

February 2014

The African Union Commission (AUC) and the Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for strengthening cooperation between the two parties to facilitate the development and integration agenda of the African Union on February 24, 2015.

The AUC and JWF will cooperate to explore opportunities for cooperation and non-exclusive partnership in the following areas: fostering civil society participation in policy development; promotion of tolerance and Coexistence as principles of human rights promotion and protection; support the implementation of the AUC Human Rights Strategy for Africa; information generation and dissemination on issues related to human rights

The views expressed in the report do not necessarily represent the views of Peace Islands Institute and the Journalists and Writers Foundation. This issue of the publication contains reports given by the speakers at a series of panels on issues affecting the African continent, held between February 12, 2014 and June 18, 2014 in New York, U.S.A. The panels were co-organized by Peace Islands Institute and the Journalists and Writers Foundation, and had participants from Permanent Missions of several African countries to the United Nations and the African Union.

JWF Global Activities 

The Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF) was established by a group of distinguished writers, scholars, and journalists in 1994 to contribute to peaceful coexistence and dialogue by bringing together intellectuals from all political spectrums with different cultural, religious, ethnic and ideological backgrounds that belong to the many diverse disciplines in science, religion, philosophy, politics, and art. Its mission is to look for ways of building a common living space based on reconciliation and mutual respect. Currently, there are five different platforms relied upon to organize the work of the Foundation; each platform specializes in different aspects of building dialogue. These include the Abant Platform, Dialogue Eurasia, the Medialog Platform, the Intercultural Dialogue Platform, and the Women’s Platform. There is also a Research Centre. JWF holds General Consultative Status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council, being the first and only institution to achieve this status in Turkey.